What We Do
TSRgrow is a leading manufacturer and designer of advanced LED lighting solutions tailored to the horticulture industry. Our expertise in commercial cultivation, including greenhouses, indoor environments, and vertical racking applications, enables us to empower growers to succeed in every aspect of their business. With our TOTALgrow approach, we offer a comprehensive growing strategy that encompasses LED lighting, remote power solutions, environment and data management, and more. TSRgrow's TOTALgrow Solution is a fully customized solution for your horticulture business, offering both cloud-based and localized data management, energy efficiency, and integrated controls. By incorporating high-accuracy sensors in the grow, our platform enables environmental monitoring and collaborative solutions that go beyond just lighting. Choose TSRgrow for a TOTALgrow Solution that invests in your total success.
Categories (3)
Software and Technology, Facility Design & Components, Lighting
Cultivation Products & Services
Hall Location
North Hall
State of Operation (US Only)
Rhode Island
Warwick, RI
United States
Company Email

Organization Member List



Building a Better Grow Room with TSRgrow Advanced LED Lighting Solutions
Building a Better Grow Room with TSRgrow Advanced LED Lighting Solutions 138
Designing Your Cultivation Facility for Efficiency with Advanced LED Lighting Solutions
Designing Your Cultivation Facility for Efficiency with Advanced LED Lighting Solutions 140
Surviving the Current Market with the Long Term Savings of LED Lighting
Surviving the Current Market with the Long Term Savings of LED Lighting 141
TSRgrow a Pioneer in the Evolution of Remote Power Server Technology
TSRgrow a Pioneer in the Evolution of Remote Power Server Technology 142
TSRgrow Expands GROWHub Software to Include Crop Steering with TSRgrow LED Lighting
TSRgrow Expands GROWHub Software to Include Crop Steering with TSRgrow LED Lighting 139

